Myzone is an innovative heart rate-based system that uses wireless and cloud technology to accurately and conveniently monitor physical activity. Myzone offers a fully connected solution for fitness club operators and is respected as the clothing choice of the fitness industry. It is successful due to its accuracy to the 99.4%. This is the tool for anyone who wants an accurate, gamified and motivating system. Myzone tracks heart rate, calories, and exercise time that are converted into Myzone Effort Points (MEP), with a focus on rewarding effort rather than fitness.

Reach your health and fitness goals with
motivating support from friends through our
Myzone social network, and use our unique
Myzone Effort Points System (MEPs) to earn the
credit you deserve and reward
your effort.

Myzone's live screen provides instant information about the effort.
Compete with friends and other club members by earning MEPs, and view real-time feedback using the easy-to-read Live Tile.